Monday, June 20, 2011

... and in related news!

My sewing room -- I tried calling it a 'studio' but it just doesn't work for me -- is pretty much finished being re-created, and I am *loving* it so very much. Pictures to post perhaps?  I am not in there nearly as often as I'd like to be, and there are still a few things I need to organize -- like my pattern stash! -- but every time I even walk by the room, I'm drawn to it.  It even smells good -- kinda like scorched ironing board cover (oops!).  Although I believe scorching is just a bit of a right of passage for new ironing board covers.  And this one is 'kinda' new, in terms of amount of usage.  And I LOVE it.

So, I need to organize my pattern stash.  I really really do.  See, I've recently lost quite a few inches (read: dropped three pants sizes) and I have a LOT of patterns that just do not have the smaller sizes in them (10, 12, 14).  I refuse to throw them away, though.  That just seems extremely wasteful to me.  It would be much better to find a new home for them.  Soooo, to this end, I believe I will be having a sale.  Most of these patterns are larger sizes (16+), and some have been cut in to at this point.  But I do *not* enjoy grading patterns at all, so there's no chance I'll do this. 

Over the next few days weeks, I will be taking pictures of my 'soon-to-be-homeless' patterns, and placing said images on my blog.  Any suggestions about pricing?  I have an Etsy shoppe, but most of these patterns are *not* vintage in any sense of this mis-used word.  So, I'll have to do it this way.  And I would rather burn my entire fabric stash in a fire than use eBay.  Sorry, bad memories and all.

Like I've said, some of these patterns have been cut into, so those I may just give-away at this point.  Some are also possibly discontinued at this point, as well.  We'll see.  I might be able to get a couple yards of fabric for some of them.  Which, by the way, would suit me just fine.  I'll even do a trade!  Patterns for fabric, anyone??

Alright, need to go starting taking pictures.  Check back in the next few weeks for patterns-for-sale-pictures! 


1 comment:

  1. What about taking it to the stash swap at Purlescence? That's what we do with all the stuff we don't want. :)


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