Although I had a migraine for over twenty-four hours, I've actually had a couple rather nice days. On Monday, I went over to my friend HF's house for the afternoon. We made lunch -- yum! -- had a yarn swap (more yarn for the granny-stripe awesomeness! -- and sat and crocheted for what seemed like not nearly enough time, but was in fact quite a few hours. It was relaxing and wonderful, even with the migraine. We discussed everything from color choices to child-rearing. Definitely a successful day, if I do say so myself. And, I went home to a clean house. How amazingly wonderful is that?
So, waking up this morning with the visitor in my head, I decided I needed some pampering. Therefore, I went to the most logical place to receive such; My mom's house. She's very understanding about the migraines, and knows I've been getting my fair share of them for the past 7 years, so she takes very good care of her only daughter. We made tea and sat and crocheted and hand-sewed for a couple hours. I also took a nap -- well, attempted to. I'm not very good at napping currently. Or sleeping in general, actually.
I've managed to make some more progress on The Granny-Stripe Blanket. I think she needs a name. What do you think? I like Mable. It's a good strong Grandma-like name. Alright then, my blanket's name is Mable. Good.
I am happy to introduce,
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Mable, in all her glory... |
My goodness, those colors are bright. I have become so used to seeing them day in and day out, that I don't realize how bright they actually are. Love them, though. Bright colors are wonderful.
Oh! I also worked on:
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Not a very clear picture...sorry! |
These are the beginning of crocheted mini X-mas lights. I will be adding a little bit of charcoal to the top, and stringing them on green chained yarn. They will either go on my tree -- if I ever get one -- or on a wall at home. Maybe above the fire place. As long as we don't light them on fire, right?
So, there is my crafting for the day. I still need to work on my Tree skirt. I'll try and post about it this week. And my star and felt garland for the tree, as well. I will also try and post about those this week. We'll see.
Okay, on to my gratitude list...I think I'll just combine yesterday and today into one uber list.
* Good friends who craft. I had a wonderful time spending the afternoon with HF. She is an absolute delight. Great company and wonderful conversation. Thank you thank you thank you. Oh, and thank you for the yarn!! :D
* Nice hot showers. It helps to relax me, and get my mind off my head. Hehe...or, just the migraine. I may have taken quite a few showers in the past two days.
* Moms. Mine, specifically, though I'm sure all of yours' are amazing, too.
* Tea. I've had more cups of tea in the last two days than I think I could count; I don't have enough fingers.
* Once again, Grandma-crocheted blankets. Being curled up in one just seems to make everything seem a little bit better.
* A husband who doesn't request I cook every night. Because there are some nights when a shower and an early bed time is very much what I need.
This about covers it for the last two days. Yes, they were painful. And I came through them, ready to face another new day. That is what counts, in the long run. Bring it on!
Peaceful dreams,
I love Mable! I'm thinking about trying to make a blanket too; I even tried the granny stitch last night (unsuccessfully). *sigh* Another project I will probably never finish...