Saturday, December 31, 2011

number 18

Being that it is New Years Eve -- and New Years, in some countries -- I thought I'd look back and look forward a bit here.  This has been a trying year.  Lots of medical crap to figure out, and lots of emotional...err, stuff to sort through.  I've mended bridges between friends and myself, and have truly begun down a path of figuring out what is really important to me.  I've severed ties with people who are no good for me or my health, and tightened attachments to people who help me soar.  When the whole story is considered, this has been a wonderful year, as many of them are in retrospect.  This being said, I think my main goal for the coming year to keep this state of mind during the year.  To hold on to the tiny moments that make the year worthwhile when looking back on it.

I just found this article (link opens in new window) and a couple of key points really struck home with me.  As the title of my entry suggests, number 18 really hit home.  For as long as I can remember, the past has plagued me.  As has my anger toward people from my past for things done and said.  I have already begun working toward letting this anger go.  I believe my work for 2012 is to continue releasing this and to live an anger-free existence.  Not free of feelings of anger and frustration about the present, but free...

Let's see here.  I wrote the rest of this post here this morning while apparently the interwebs were behaving terribly, and the remainder of my post was lost.  I was a good ending, too.  C'est la vie.  It happens.  Guess this sort of just plays into my whole theme for the New Year, doesn't it?  And if I can't let this, am I in for a terrible year!  Haha!

It's about an hour from the "Ball Drop", which I won't be watching, because we do not have cable -- because I'm not allowed to watch commercials (they make me mad).  So, for all of you reading this tonight, have a wonderful end to 2011!  And for those who will not be reading this until tomorrow or the next day, I hope your ending to 2011 was as epic or relaxed as you wanted it to be.

Happy New Years!


  1. JB - beautiful name, by the way! Thank you for your post! I came upon your blog and this is the first post I read and LOVED it!

  2. Seems like that was a tumultuous year for everyone, doesn't it? Well it's just another piece of memory now, and 2012 is looking pretty darn good.

    My motto for the year is to let things burn. If that means burning up anger and frustration, all the better. ;)

    btw I don't know how I missed this post before... I was reading the instagram one and came on this one. Huh.


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